Create a logo design by modifying a letterform.
A lettermark logo for a planetarium/event space aimed at young adults as an educational nightlife alternative to clubs. This atypical audience is communicated through the the experimental accompanying typeface, and disruption of the C letterform echoes the planetarium’s disruption of a typical nightlife venue.

Static Logo.

Animated Logo.

Billboard mockup.

Ticket mockup.

Lettermark Research
To begin this project, I spent a week wandering downtown Gainesville and taking pictures of lettermarks that caught my eye. I found myself drawn towards a good mix of serifs and sans-serif, with my favorite lettermark being the "E" representing "Electric Tattoos."

pencil & digital sketches
While sketching for a daily typography exercise, I came up with the concept for a "C" broken by a comet for a planetarium aptly named Comet. I moved the sketch into Illustrator and toyed with it until I had something clear but still visually enticing, suited for a nightlife venue.

Initially, I imagined Comet with a blue color palette and serif typeface. The blue stuck as its medium hue could work for both an educational institution and an upbeat nightlife venue, but the serif had to go as it wouldn't appeal to a younger audience. Instead, I moved the stylized typeface, "Fit" as it was interesting enough to appeal to my audience but didn't overpower the "C" letterform in the hierarchy because of its compact letterforms.
With the logo finalized, I made a simple animation using keyframes in Premiere Pro.
This animation could be used to begin events or presentations at the Planetarium.